Target Business & Cedants

  • Medical expense 
  • Travel 
  • Life insurers
  • Health insurers
  • Property and casualty insurers
From our market-leading capacity we offer both deep product knowledge and experience, and a growing global physical footprint. Our creative solutions go beyond quota share and excess of loss coverages with service that's dedicated to you and your client. 

We provide an innovative and flexible approach to developing reinsurance services, from consultative development and underwriting support by experienced specialists to risk evaluation. Working in partnership to provide you with a responsive, high standard of service that gives you proactive solutions suited to your client's needs and always delivered in a timely manner. Our proven claims-paying ability gives you the confidence in knowing we keep our promises, paying claims quickly and fairly. 

Cover is provided by AXIS Re SE which is authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, or by AXIS Specialty Limited which is authorized and regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore for the conduct of Singapore business.


Clients can rest assured that when a claim is filed AXIS focuses on:

  • Quick decision making
  • Championing your needs
  • An honest approach
For U.S. Reinsurance Claims, please email:

Learn more about claims